Fairly common to common in lowland marshes, ponds, lakes, and seasonally flooded savanna like the habitats of Barba Azul Nature Reserve. Also to be found in agicultural areas to Cochabamba. Feeds in shallow water nd dry areas away from water.
The Blue-throated Macaw is endemic to the Bolivian Beni savanna ecoregion, also known as Los Llanos de Moxos. This Macaw is Critically Endangered and only 200-250 individuals are expected to survive in the wild. It inhabits hyper-seasonal flooded savanna habitat, interspaced with Motacu dominated palm forest islands and gallery forest, which it uses to forage and roost. The species experienced severe population declines and local extirpation due to illegal pet trade and habitat loss.
Fairly common in dry scrub, open river-edge woodlands and agricultural fields, in the inter Andean dry valleys of central Bolivia. It can also be locally common in semi-humid Polylepis forests on the Eastern slopes of the Central Andes (e.g. Tunari National Park).
Rare to locally uncommon in high Andean humid Polylepis-Gynoxys woodlands of Peru and Bolivia. The Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant has an unmistakable appearance with black central crown feathers elongated into a thin, bifurcated crest.
Uncommon to locally common in a small region in the Andean valleys of south-central Bolivia. Like other large macaw species, Red-fronts are threatened by habitat loss and illegal pet trade reducing its population to approximately 670-2000 adult individuals.
Rare to uncommon and local in cerrado and seasonally flooded savannas like the Beni lowlands in Northern Bolivia. In Brazil it remains locally common only in a few scattered protected areas in Goiás, Distrito Federal and Minas Gerais, in Paraguay it is generally very rare.
Buff-breasted Sandpipers breed on grassy arctic tundra, preferring well-vegetated hummocky ground around marshy ponds. During their fall migration Buffies forage on prime river-edge habitat at Barba Azul Nature Reserve. Winters in upland grassy areas of Argentina. This species exhibits a unique lek behavior. Males typically gather in groups of 2 to 10, displaying during twilight periods. By flashing or waving wings, they expose the highly conspicuous white underside of their wings.