Ganso del Orinoco
Nombre Científico: Oressachen jubatus
Nombre en inglés: Orinoco Goose
Estatus: Casi Amenazada (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Hábitat y comportamiento:
Raro a localmente bastante común en orillas y playas arenosas de ríos en zonas boscosas, lagunas y…
Orinoco Goose
Scientific name: Oressachen jubatus
Spanish name: Ganso del Orinoco
Status: Near Threatened (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:
Rare to locally fairly common on banks and sanbars of forested rivers,on lakes, in seasonally flooded…
Cliff Parakeet
Scientific name: Myiopsitta luchsi
Spanish name: Cotorra de los Acantilados
Status: Least Concern (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:
Bolivian endemic. Uncommon to abundant in dry forest, scrub, and cultivated areas in inter-Andean vallleys of Central Bolivia. Its…
American Kestler
Scientific name: Falco sparverius
Spanish name: Cernícalo Americano
Status: Least Concern (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:
Rare to locally fairly common but widespread in open country in dry to humid lowlands and highlands including towns and cities.…
Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Scientific name: Dendrocygna autumnalis
Spanish name: Pato Silbón Vientre Negro
Status: Least Concern (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:
Fairly common to common in lowland marshes, ponds, lakes, and seasonally flooded savanna like the habitats of Barba…
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Andean Condor
Scientific name: Vulthur gryphus
Spanish name: Cóndor Andino
Status: Near Threatened (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:
Rare to locally fairly common in high Andean Puna grassland, at Yungas treeline over dry to…
Horned Curassow
Scientific name: Pauxi unicornis
Spanish name: Paujil Copete de Piedra/ Pilisto
Status: Critically Endangered (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:
Elusive bird species present in wet lower Yungas ecoregion and foothill forests. Mostly solitary…
Bolivian Blackbird - Illustration by Oscar Tintaya from the "Birds of Bolivia Field Guide"
Bolivian Blackbird
Scientific name: Oreopsar bolivianus
Spanish name: Tordo Boliviano
Status: Least Concern (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behavior:
Fairly common in dry scrub,…
Anairetes alpinus (Photo by Rodrigo W. Soria)
Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant
Scientific name: Anairetes alpinus
Spanish name: Torito Pecho Cenizo (Chhichhillaqh jamach´I – Aymara; Chúspi pisqu – Quechua)
Status: Endangered (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour: Rare to locally uncommon…
Red-fronted macaw over San Carlos (Photo by Roland Seitre)
Red-fronted Macaw
Scientific name: Ara rubrogenys
Spanish name: Paraba frente roja
Status: Endangered (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:
Uncommon to locally common in a small region in…
Cock-tailed Tyrants perche in tall grass gleaning for insects which they catch in the air. (Photo: Daniel Alarcón)
Cock-tailed Tyrant
Scientific name: Alectrurus tricolor
Spanish name: Tirano cola de abanico, avioncito
Status: Vulnerable (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:…
Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Barba Azul Nature Reserve (photo: Daniel Alarcón)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Scientific name: Tryngites subruficollis
Spanish name: Playero Acanelado
Status: Near Threatened (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behavior: Buff-breasted Sandpipers breed on grassy arctic…