Sustainable Ranching is officially in the works for protecting habitats in the Beni department. Over the last year, the Barba Azul Nature Reserve has started implementing best practices in Barba Azul East, currently managing 137…
Have you ever considered volunteering your time for the greater good and coming away with the experience of a lifetime? Do you enjoy working hard and dream of your efforts having a lasting impact? Are…
Blue-throated Macaws squabbling over their new real estate. (Tjalle Boorsma - Asociación Armonía)
For eight years, northern Blue-throated Macaws have never shown an iota of interest in nestboxes at Asociación Armonía’s Barba Azul…
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A principios de febrero de 2017, una expedción de Armonía descubrió nuevos lugares de anidamiento de la Paraba Barba Azul (Ara glaucogularis), especie endémica de Bolivia, en Pelígro Crítico de extinción. Este…
71 Blue-throated Macaw chicks has fledged from our nest boxes in 2017 (Photo: Aidan Maccormick)
2017 was an important year for the conservation of the Blue Throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis). A record number of nine macaws…
In early February, an Armonía expedition discovered a new breeding area of the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis). The groundbreaking discovery is a major step towards understanding the life cycle of the macaw and…
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Meet Jesus Chávez Barrios, he is native of the Beni Department, and is one of Armonía’s best educators. Jesus works with Moxeño-Trinitario youth to save Macaws in Beni by promoting…
The operation was concluded after 7 hours of tireless effort of helpful neighbours, Armonía personel and researchers battled the 3 meter tall flames. (Photo by Fabian Meijer)
In the heart of the 2016 dry season, thousands…
In order to shed light on the population dynamics and migration pattern of the species, Armonía conducts yearly population surveys.(Photo: Daniel Alarcón)
Just as if they knew that today we celebrate World Shorebirds Day, the Buff-breasted Sandpipers…