Have you ever considered volunteering your time for the greater good and coming away with the experience of a lifetime? Do you enjoy working hard and dream of your efforts having a lasting impact? Are…
The Birds of Bolivia Field Guide is available for the first time ever for sale in the US and abroad. Printed in Bolivia in late 2016, the first edition of this field guide has always…
Nine authors and thirteen artists spent eleven years to gather in a single field guide the 1435 species of the sixth most diverse country in bird species: Bolivia. The “Birds of Bolivia - Field Guide”…
71 Blue-throated Macaw chicks has fledged from our nest boxes in 2017 (Photo: Aidan Maccormick)
2017 was an important year for the conservation of the Blue Throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis). A record number of nine macaws…
Nine Blue-throated Macaw chicks have fledged from our nest boxes in 2017. (Photo: Aidan Maccormick)
This year nine Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw chicks have successfully hatched from Armonia’s nest box program. The news is especially encouraging…
In early February, an Armonía expedition discovered a new breeding area of the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis). The groundbreaking discovery is a major step towards understanding the life cycle of the macaw and…
The Blue-Throated Macaw population is on the rise at Barba Azul Nature Reserve, but the question remains open. Where do our birds breed? (Photo: Tjalle Boorsma)
Created by Armonía in , the 27 000 acres of Barba…
Bolivian Blackbird - Illustration by Oscar Tintaya from the "Birds of Bolivia Field Guide"
Bolivian Blackbird
Scientific name: Oreopsar bolivianus
Spanish name: Tordo Boliviano
Status: Least Concern (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behavior:
Fairly common in dry scrub,…