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nelo-valdes-tardio-board-member-presidentNelo Valdes

Chairman of the Board

Nelo has extensive experience as a lawyer, graduating in law from the University of San Simón in Cochabamba, Bolivia. He has worked on the boards of several companies and organizations. He is currently vice president of the international organization NPH, whose mission is to help children and young people at risk.

walther-perez-armonia-board-member-vice-presidentWalther Esteban Pérez

Vice Chairman

Walther is a Certified Public Accountant, who graduated from the National University of San Luis, Argentina. Between 2007 and 2010, he was the Manager of Plannings and Administration of Arcor in Bolivia. Arcor is the main food company in Argentina. Since 2010 he has been the CEO of Arcor Foods Bolivia and has 17 years’ experience in the Arcor Group.

ivanna-delgadillo-grajeda-board-member-economic-secretaryIvana Delgadillo

Secretary for Economic Affairs

With over 15 years’ of experience in accounting, Ivana has worked in various companies as an Area Manager Auditor, Financial Controller, Head of Human Resources and Administration Chief Financial Officer. Specializing in financial audits, accounting and tax advice, she conducts investment analysis, development and project analysis. She trains personnel from different companies in accounting and investment.

daniel-robison-armoina-board-memberDaniel M. Robison

Board member

Daniel has a degree in Natural Resources Management from Kansas State University and a Phd in Agroecology and Tropical Soils from the University of Reading, UK. Born and raised in Bolivia, since 1995 he has been based in Rurrenabaque in the north of the country, working in strategic planning of protected areas. Since 2005 he has been the professor at Future Generations Graduate School, based in West Virginia. It is a semi-classroom program where students and teachers meet in different countries every semester. In 1998, he established his own experimental farm near Rurrenabaque and since 2006 has been co-managing a nearby eco-sports center.

ruben-azogue-armonia-board-memberRuben Dario Azogue

Board member

Ruben is a 44 year old Bolivian who has a Masters in Engineering and Environmental Management. He works as a teacher, consultant and photographer.

José Manuel Baudoin Hormaeche

Board member

José is an industrial engineer, specialized on social development projects. He is director of the Ecopedagocial Center of the Simón I. Patiño Foundation. He has years of experience in environmental education, as well as he is a passionate actor and enthusiast of martial arts.

Our Executive Committee

Rodrigo Soria

Executive Director

Rodrigo has a degree in Biology from the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Cochabamba, Bolivia). He moved to Santa Cruz de la Sierra to work in Armonía between January 2003 and September 2005. During this time, he led a multidisciplinary teams of biologists working to identify the first Key Biodiversity Areas of Bolivia (a collaborative project by the University of Glasgow, Association Armonía, and the Museum of Natural History Noel Kempff Mercado). He also had a key role in identifing the Important Bird Areas of Bolivia. He later developed the Conservation and Research Program for the Horned Curassow, discovering the population of this endangered species in the TIPNIS (Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure). In 2005, he began his PhD at the University of Goettingen (Germany) and obtained its PhD title in September 2009. Then he continued with a post doctorate at the same university until June 2011. He rejoined Armonía in 2011 as our Conservation Programs Director, and became Armonía’s Executive Director in August 2016. Since September 2018, Rodrigo is member of BirdLife’s Executive Committee for the Americas Regional Council.

bennett-hennessey-director-armoniaBennett Hennessey

Development Director

Born in Quebec City, Canada, Bennett studied biology at the University of Toronto. He worked in the Congo for one year, before moving to Bolivia where he devoted himself full-time to bird conservation. Bennett has been CEO of Asociación Armonía since 2003 and Development Director since 2016. His work over the years has been very varied – from a field investigator, to coordinator of conservation programs, to supervisor of projects and he now devotes a large percentage of his time in raising and administrating funds. Bennett has produced thousands of successful proposals for Armonía’s conservation programs. He speaks English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Sebastian K. Herzog

Scientific Director

Sebastian is a conservation ecologist with 21 years of experience in South America, mainly in Bolivia and the tropical Andes. He studied biology and ecology in his home country of Germany and in California, USA. He has a doctorate in biological sciences from the University of Oldenburg and was a postdoctoral fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Since 2002, he has been the Scientific Director of Armonía. He has authored or coauthored more than 40 articles published in scientific journals. Since 2008, he has worked as an external investigator for the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and has been co-leading two multidisciplinary projects on climate change and its impact on biodiversity and ecosystems of the tropical Andes. On these projects he has lead teams of experts and collaborators, working together with NGOs, academia and relevant governments in the region.

Iván Perez Hurtado

Administrative Director

Ivan has graduated at the Universidad San Simón de Cochabamba with Business Administration degree. He worked with young producers from Cochabamba´s tropical Chaparé region supporting fair trade projects to support local farmers.

Later he worked as Technical Director for the Chaco Programme of the Fundación Natura. He was an advisor and administrative director at Centro de Ecología Aplicada Simón I. Patiño, currently he is the administrative director of Armonía.

Tjalle Boorsma

Conservation Program Director 

After eight years working on his own business as an arborist, Tjalle decided to return to forest and bird conservation, which he had studied. In 2014, he obtained a Master of Science in Forest and Nature Conservation, specializing in Terrestrial Ecology, from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. In 2015, he joined the Armonía team as Conservation Program Coordinator of the Barba Azul Nature Reserve.

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