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Armonía has partnerships with highly respected international organizations, who we collaborate with to develop innovative approaches to conservation



American Bird Conservancy

A not-for profit organization whose mission is to conserve native birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. They envision an Americas-wide landscape where diverse interests collaborate to ensure that native bird species and their habitats are protected, where their protection is valued by society, and they are routinely considered in all land-use and policy decision-making.

LOGO-BirdLife-colour-transparent-background-2000pxBirdLife International

The world’s largest nature conservation Partnership, with 120 BirdLife Partners worldwide – and growing. They are driven by the belief that local people, working for nature in their own places but connected nationally and internationally through their global Partnership, are the key to sustaining all life on this planet.

Museo de Historia Natural Alcides D´Orbigny

El Museo de Historia Natural Alcides D´Orbigny (Museum of Natural History Aclides D´Orbigny) in Cochabamba is one of our main scientific partners in Bolivia. The museum is our Scientific Auditor Insitution for the conservations programs of the Blue-throated Macaw and the Red-fronted Macaw.

iucnnl-logoIUCN National Committee of the Netherlands

IUCN NL works with NGOs, companies, governments and scientists to strengthen human wellbeing through worldwide nature conservation. Their activities focus on three themes: green international cooperation, greening companies, and restoring and conserving nature. On top of that, IUCN publishes a yearly update of the Red List of Threatened Species.

WLT_Green-logo-1024x507World Land Trust

An international conservation charity, World Land Trust (WLT) protects the world’s most biologically important and threatened habitats, acre by acre. Since its foundation in 1989, WLT has funded partner organizations around the world to create reserves, and give permanent protection to habitats and wildlife.

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