Cover Photo: Molani and El Palmar community members planting Janchicoco palm seeds. Guido Saldaña, Armonía.
Members of the Molani and El Palmar community in the El Palmar Protected Area, located in the municipality of Presto…
Cover Photo: Welcome ceremony for Marcelo Tognelli organized by the Municipality of Apolo. Cesar Bascopé Espinoza
Marcelo Tognelli, International Project Officer at American Bird Conservancy and partner of Armonia, visited in July multiple bird conservation projects…
Cover photo: After the ribbon-cutting that inaugurated the school nursery in Aten
The indigenous LECO community of Aten located in the Apolo municipality of La Paz, inaugurated on June 2023 a school nursery with native trees…
Red-fronted macaw nest in the endemic "Janchicoco Palm tree". Photograph by the El Palmar National Park
Images of two Critically Endangered Red-fronted Macaw chicks in their natural nests are going viral on social networks and Bolivian…
Over half of the Polylepis-dependent species are endangered like the Critically Endangered Royal Cinclodes (Photo by: Rodrigo W. Soria-Auza)
Polylepis forest once covered the slopes of the tropical Andes from Venezuela to Argentina, today the distribution…
The operation was concluded after 7 hours of tireless effort of helpful neighbours, Armonía personel and researchers battled the 3 meter tall flames. (Photo by Fabian Meijer)
In the heart of the 2016 dry season, thousands…
Cock-tailed Tyrants perche in tall grass gleaning for insects which they catch in the air. (Photo: Daniel Alarcón)
Cock-tailed Tyrant
Scientific name: Alectrurus tricolor
Spanish name: Tirano cola de abanico, avioncito
Status: Vulnerable (IUCN red list of endangered species)
Habitat and behaviour:…
Every headdress is made of an average of 30 feathers, that means that one headdress of artificial feathers saves at least 15 macaws. (Photo: Wendy Willis)
Armonía’s educational program empowers the Moxeño native communities to protect…
Best practices to optimize the use of grasslands for beef production suit perfectly the objectives of conservationists too. That’s how profit and sustainability go hand in hand.(Photo:Márton Hardy)
Sustainability and profit should go hand in hand…
Fifteen birds were recorded at a roosting site, 40 Km North of the Barba Azul Nature Reserve in an area where BTM were not known to exist. (Photo: Sebastian K. Herzog)
In January 2016, Cornell Lab…
Blue-throated Macaw chicks in their nest box
Last year, we celebrated as 10 Blue-throated Macaw chicks safely hatched and fledged from our artificial nest boxes.
This is fantastic news for a Critically Endangered species that is being driven…