Cover photo: The Bolivian chinchilla rat (Abrocoma boliviensis), an endemic rodent of Bolivia and critically endangered. Photo: Marisol Hidalgo
"Most people don't know much about native wild rodents, their importance in…
Cover photo: Oligosarcus schindleri, locally known as Platincho or Plateado, is endemic to Cochabamba, Bolivia.
"Without water, native fishes are going to disappear. Not only local extinctions will occur, but…
Cover photo: Biologists Alfredo Fuentes and Javier Quisbert collect numerous species collections late into the night in the Chunkani locality of Madidi National Park.
"As Bolivians, we must be aware that…
Cover photo: Leaders of the Julo Grande community in the Toro Toro municipality inaugurate a sculpture resembling the Red-fronted Macaw.
In November 2023, new tourist routes were inaugurated in the…
Cover Photo: Molani and El Palmar community members planting Janchicoco palm seeds. Guido Saldaña, Armonía.
Members of the Molani and El Palmar community in the El Palmar Protected Area, located…
Cover Photo: Buff-breasted Sandpipers flying over the Barba Azul Nature Reserve. Teodoro Camacho, Armonía.
Many species of shorebirds migrate thousands of kilometers from the Arctic, passing through Central America, to…
Cover Photo: A Buff-breasted Sandpiper ( Calidris subruficollis ) making a stopover at Barba Azul Nature Reserve in Beni Bolivia. Teodoro Camacho, Armonía.
Long-distance migratory shorebird monitoring in Barba Azul…
Promoting sustainable livestock farming, compatible with conservation, based on market mechanisms of financial incentives, is one of the strategies of the Program for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the…
Conservation projects for the Blue-throated Macaw played a prominent role at the recent American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) Conference, held from September 28 to 30, 2023, in Dallas, Texas, United…
Cover image: Bolivia boasts a wide range of ecosystems and ecological regions within its territory.
On the occasion of the World Nature Protection Day, biologist Diego A. Peñaranda gave an…
Cover photo: Biologist Luis Fernando Aguirre examines the Spectral Bat ( Vampyrum spectrum ), which is categorized as vulnerable.
Biologist specializing in bats, Luis Fernando Aguirre, who has devoted…
Cover Photo: The Llanos de Moxos, vast savannas of the Beni department. KBA Blue-throated Macaw Reserves in Bolivia. Teodoro Camacho, Armonía.
Conservation is not merely a romantic endeavor to preserve…