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barba-azul-nature-reserve-bolivia1Armonía is creating nature reserves across Bolivia to save the country’s wilderness and wildlife from destruction.

Protecting land from development is the best way to save ecosystems – it safeguards all the interdependent animals and plants that need each other to survive.

This creates a thriving environment for people too, as it protects the natural resources that communities depend upon.

Only by securing land for conservation can we save life on Earth.

Our two main protected areas are the Red-fronted Macaw Nature Reserve in south-central Bolivia and the Barba Azul Nature Reserve in the north. The reserves are the only safe havens in the world for these endangered macaws, as well as a wealth of other wildlife like Pumas, Jaguars and Giant Anteaters.

Our smaller protected areas are the Palkachupa Nature Reserve in the north-west and the Tucuman Amazon Nature Reserve in the south.

Explore our Habitat Restoration Programs

barba-azul-nature-reserve-bolivia-armonia (2)Barba Azul Nature Reserve program

Protecting the Beni Savannas of northern Bolivia, an endemic habitat that is home to a wealth of threatened species

polylepis-forest-bolivia-armoniaPolylepis Forest program

Creating protected areas of Polylepis forest with community collaboration in the remote valleys of the Andes, to save two highly specialized and endangered birds.

jamess-flamingo-phoenicoparrus-jamesi-s-k-herzog-copyAndean Wetlands program

Monitoring high Andean wetlands and lakes to protect bird species in the face of human pressure and climate change.

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